

The value of Hong Kong's total exports increased to $390.4 billion in July, up 13.1% on the same month last year, the Census & Statistics Department announced today.

The value of the city’s imports increased 9.9% to $412.3 billion in the same period.

A trade deficit of $21.8 billion, or 5.3% of the value of total imports, was recorded for the month.

Comparing the three-month period ending July with the preceding three months on a seasonally adjusted basis, the value of Hong Kong’s exports rose 1%, while that of its imports increased 0.2%.

The Government said the value of merchandise exports saw further double-digit growth in July from a year earlier. Exports to the Mainland, the US and the European Union continued to expand noticeably, while those to other major Asian markets showed a mixed performance.

Looking ahead, the Government added that Hong Kong's exports should sustain a positive performance if external demand holds up, but noted that geopolitical tensions and trade conflicts will present risks.


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