The 2025-26 Valuation List & Government Rent Roll will be available for inspection from March 17 to May 31, the Rating & Valuation Department announced today.
The documents can be viewed at the Rating & Valuation Department located at 15/F, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon. They are also available on the departmental website or Property Information Online.
Rates and government rent demands, to be issued in early April, will show the rateable values for 2025-26, the government rent payable and the net rates amount payable after deducting the rates concession. The department noted that objections to the new rateable values have to be lodged from March 17 to May 31 by means of Form R20A or the electronic Form e-R20A.
In the 2025-26 Budget, the Financial Secretary proposed a rates concession for the first quarter of 2025-26, ie April to June 2025, subject to a ceiling of $500 for each rateable tenement.
Call 2152 0111 for enquiries.
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