

The Government has enhanced the Technology Talent Admission Scheme by lifting the local employment requirement, extending the quota validity period to two years as well as expanding the coverage to more emerging technology areas.

New technology areas can also be added into the scheme as and when considered necessary by the Commissioner for Innovation & Technology to fit in with the city’s I&T development.

Launched today, the enhancement measures were announced in the Chief Executive’s 2022 Policy Address.

The commission said the scheme’s attractiveness and flexibility will be further increased, offering certainty and streamlined procedures to eligible companies that conduct research and development (R&D) activities in 14 technology areas in Hong Kong, thereby contributing to the city’s economic growth and competitiveness.


Launched in June 2018, the scheme provides a fast-track arrangement for admitting overseas and Mainland technology talent. Successful companies will be given quotas for bringing in such people for undertaking R&D work.

Applications can be made online. Call 3855 7600 or send an email for enquiries.


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