

Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development Algernon Yau today met the Deputy Consul-General of the UK in Hong Kong on the incident regarding the Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office (ETO) in London.

In a statement, the Commerce & Economic Development Bureau said that as the UK Consul-General is not in Hong Kong, Mr Yau met the Deputy Consul-General.

Mr Yau reiterated the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government's concern about the case.

He demanded the UK side give an open account of the incident involving the death of a person arrested by the UK Police and reportedly a UK immigration officer as soon as possible, to let the public know the truth and prevent unwarranted speculation.

Mr Yau also reiterated that the UK should fairly handle the matter, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the arrestees, and ensure the normal operation of the ETO.

He stressed that the duties of ETOs are to maintain close liaison with interlocutors in the local government, business, think tanks and various sectors, with a view to enriching bilateral ties in different areas such as trade, investment, arts and culture, enhancing local people and enterprises' knowledge of Hong Kong's unique strengths, and promoting the economic and trade interests of Hong Kong.

As part of their routine work in discharging these duties, ETOs organise a wide range of activities and make security arrangements to ensure their smooth proceedings.

They also co-ordinate and arrange duty visits by Hong Kong SAR officials. To ensure the officials' smooth and safe visits, where necessary, ETOs will arrange local security companies to provide security services and co-ordinate transport arrangements for the visits.

ETOs also make appropriate security arrangements to ensure the safety of their office premises and staff.

Noting that all ETO activities have been conducted in accordance with law, Mr Yau emphasised that the UK government is obliged to ensure the normal work and activities of the ETO are free from interruption and carried out in an orderly manner.


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