

The Innovation, Technology & Industry Bureau today published a policy statement to set out the Government's management principles and key strategies on data flow and data security, and submit 18 specific action items.

The bureau explained that the Policy Statement on Facilitating Data Flow & Safeguarding Data Security in Hong Kong aims to provide a holistic set of management principles and strategies on data governance.

Apart from promoting the consolidation, application, opening up and sharing of data, it will also enhance safeguards for data security and planning of related infrastructural facilities, thereby fostering development and safety in a more co-ordinated manner.

The 18 specific action items put forward in the document involve advancing digital government and enhancing data governance, formulating or updating policies, guidelines and laws, enhancing cybersecurity protection, bolstering digital infrastructure, and promoting cross-boundary data flow.

Other than studying and suggesting rules and guidelines on the use and application of generative AI technologies, the Government will also introduce a legislative bill into the Legislative Council within 2024 to define clearly the cybersecurity obligations of critical infrastructure operators.

The document also stated that the Government will digitalise all government licences, services and forms involving application and approval by mid-2024. By the end of 2025, all government departments will fully adopt iAM Smart to facilitate citizens’ use of one-stop electronic government services.

Secretary for Innovation, Technology & Industry Prof Sun Dong said the document focuses on two important components of data governance, namely data flow and data security.

“The policy statement outlines the Government's data governance philosophy at a macro level and sets out specific action items to lay a foundation for the furtherance of high-quality development of innovation and technology, the digital economy and the smart city in Hong Kong,” he added.


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