Last Update 更新日期 | 18-12-2024 |
BEAR BRIGHT LIMITED is a Hong Kong enterprise registered on 23-JUL-1985. As of Q3-2022, BEAR BRIGHT LIMITED declared to conduct business in Insurance, banking, securities, financial services category with a full-time headcount of 6 (曜熊有限公司)是一家註冊於23-JUL-1985的香港企業。根據2022年第三季資料,(曜熊有限公司)從事保險、銀行、證券、金融服務相關業務,並擁有6名全職員工。 | |
Company Registration No. 公司註冊號碼 | 154933 |
Registration Date 公司註冊日期 | 23-JUL-1985 |
Registration Address 公司註冊地址: 17/F., YUE THAI COMM BLDG 128-129 CONNAUGHT RD CENTRAL SHEUNG WAN, HONG KONG | |
ESS Self-declared Business Sector 「保就業」計劃 申報行業類別: Insurance, banking, securities, financial services 保險、銀行、證券、金融服務 | |
Gov ESS June-2022 Headcount 「保就業」計劃2022年6月員工數目 | FS 全額: 6名 HS 半額: 0名 |
Gov ESS June-2022 Amount 「保就業」計劃2022年6月金額 | HK$ 48,000 |
Business Status 營運狀況 (For limited companies only) | Live |
Indicator 指標 |
Current 最新 |
Previous 上期 |
Updated In 更新於 |
GDP Growth GDP增長 | -1.1% | 0.3% | Nov07 |
GDP Annual Growth 按年GDP增長 | 1.8% | 3.3% | Nov07 |
Inflation 通漲率 | 2.2% | 2.5% | Nov07 |
Unemployment 失業率 | 3.0% | 3.0% | Nov07 |
USD Rate 美元匯價 | 7.77 | 7.77 | Nov07 |
Interest Rate 利率 | 5.25 | 5.25 | Nov07 |
Business Confidence 商業信心指標 | -3 | -1 | Nov07 |
Manufacturing PMI 製造業採購經理指數 | 52.2 | 50.0 |
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