

The Tourism Strategy Committee held its third meeting today to discuss the newly announced Development Blueprint for Hong Kong’s Tourism Industry 2.0 (Blueprint 2.0) and Blueprint for Arts & Culture & Creative Industries Development.

Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Rosanna Law, who chairs the committee, said the two blueprints have further demonstrated the integration of culture and tourism, reflecting the realisation of “shaping tourism with cultural activities and promoting culture through tourism”.

She pointed out that apart from the Government’s policy support and promotion, the trade needs to identify, respond to and steer changes.

Miss Law called for the trade to join hands with the Government to implement the four development strategies and 133 measures set out in Blueprint 2.0 with a view to reinvigorating Hong Kong’s tourism industry.

She added that a series of festive mega events are in place to welcome the Chinese New Year (CNY), while the Tourism Board has also launched a CNY travel guide to welcome Mainland and overseas visitors to the city to celebrate the festival in Hong Kong.

Members welcomed the two blueprints and put forward different opinions.

In addition, Tourism Board representatives reported to the members that the total number of visitor arrivals reached about 45 million in 2024, representing a year-on-year increase of 31%, meeting expectations.

The number of Mainland and non-Mainland visitor arrivals recorded a year-on-year increase of 27% and 44% respectively.


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