Last Update 更新日期 | 21-12-2024 |
KAI HING ENGINEERING (WONG'S) LIMITED is a Hong Kong enterprise registered on 28-Jun-2002. As of Q3-2022, KAI HING ENGINEERING (WONG'S) LIMITED declared to conduct business in Sub-contractors of construction industry and contractors of RMAA works category with a full-time headcount of 15 啓興工程(黃氏)有限公司是一家註冊於28-Jun-2002的香港企業。根據2022年第三季資料,啓興工程(黃氏)有限公司從事建造業分判商及從事裝飾維修保養工程的承建商相關業務,並擁有15名全職員工。 | |
Company Registration No. 公司註冊號碼 | 804124 |
Registration Date 公司註冊日期 | 28-Jun-2002 |
Registration Address 公司註冊地址: 1/F 2/F & ROOF 124 SAI O SAI KUNG NT, HONG KONG | |
ESS Self-declared Business Sector 「保就業」計劃 申報行業類別: Sub-contractors of construction industry and contractors of RMAA works 建造業分判商及從事裝飾維修保養工程的承建商 | |
Gov ESS June-2022 Headcount 「保就業」計劃2022年6月員工數目 | FS 全額: 15名 HS 半額: 0名 |
Gov ESS June-2022 Amount 「保就業」計劃2022年6月金額 | HK$ 120,000 |
Business Status 營運狀況 (For limited companies only) | Live |
Indicator 指標 |
Current 最新 |
Previous 上期 |
Updated In 更新於 |
GDP Growth GDP增長 | -1.1% | 0.3% | Nov07 |
GDP Annual Growth 按年GDP增長 | 1.8% | 3.3% | Nov07 |
Inflation 通漲率 | 2.2% | 2.5% | Nov07 |
Unemployment 失業率 | 3.0% | 3.0% | Nov07 |
USD Rate 美元匯價 | 7.77 | 7.77 | Nov07 |
Interest Rate 利率 | 5.25 | 5.25 | Nov07 |
Business Confidence 商業信心指標 | -3 | -1 | Nov07 |
Manufacturing PMI 製造業採購經理指數 | 52.2 | 50.0 |
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